Planning for trip to the middle east!

Yes, we are getting ready to go on the “Bible Lands Discovery Tour” of the middle east.  It’s just over a week away now!  Leaving 25 October.

The itinerary looks like this:

25 October – depart Winnipeg early evening, through Toronto then Heathrow and on to Cairo

26 October – arrive Cairo & crash

27 October –  Cairo – off to Sakkara and visit Giza Pyramids

28 October – Cairo – Egyptian Museum and other historical sites of Cairo

29 October – Sinai Peninsula / Saint Catherine

30 October – up to top of Mount Sinai for sunrise service, St. Catherine Monastery, and off to Taba, resort along Gulf of Aqaba

31 October – free day in Taba, very nice resort!

 1 November – travel out of Egypt across southern Israel and into Jordan, travel to Wadi Rum desert landscape, then on to Petra

 2 November – visit ancient city of Petra, accessible only through a mile long canyon

 3 November – travel north up “the King’s Highway”to Kerak, then Mount Nebo, Masaba, and on to Amman where we stay overnight.

 4 November – visit Bethany where John the Baptist lived and where Jesus was baptized, then on into Israel, staying along the Sea of Galilee.

 5 November – visit sites around the Sea of Galilee and go on the Sea, then Banias (Caesarea Philippi), Capernaum, Tabgha (loaves & fishes miracle location), and the Mount of Beatitudes (sermon on the mount).

 6 November – visit ruins at Sepphoris, Nazareth, and Mount Tabor (location of transfiguration).

7 November – Megiddo (predicted location of Battle of Armegeddon), Caesarea, and Jericho.

 8 November – Dead Sea region – Qumran (where Dead Sea Scrolls found), Masada, take a dip in the Dead Sea, then to Jerusalem

 9 November – Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Church of Nativity, Shepherd’s Fields, Shrine of the Book Museum (Dead Sea Scrolls preserved here).

10 November – Old Jerusalem, Pool of Bethesda, Via Dolorosa (“Way of the Cross” to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre), Garden Tomb.

11 November – return home through Toronto

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