Northern Zephyr… Implementing a new Board on Zephyr Project

We implemented a low powered battery operated product using LoRa. We implemented the proof of concept using the Ronoth LoDev board, then placed the main chip, the AcSIP S76S SiP, onto our own little board. Neat little chip! Oops, module. This neat little chip (there I go again) contains an STMicro STM32L073RZ ARM MCU, a Semtech SX1276 LoRa transceiver, and a +20 dBm power amplifier.

While I was working at Savoir-faire Linux, Jérôme Oufella suggested that I look into the Zephyr Project RTOS, which is a project of the Linux Foundation. Sure enough, both the STM32L073RZ MCU and the SX1276 transceiver are supported.

It was a pretty simple task, so I created a board support entry for the Ronoth LoDev in the Zephyr Project. Well, it wasn’t all that simple at first – the Zephyr maintainers had concerns about the way that I organized the files (rightfully so), and we took a long time reorganizing and refactoring the code. But in the end, I created SiP support for the AcSIP S76S chip (oops, module) and for the Ronoth LoDev board, and a few days ago, it was merged back into the master, yay! Here\’s the board documentation that I created… hmm there\’s a typo in there, grumble, will have to fix… some day!

Breathing New Life into Old SBCs with Real-Time Linux

While working at Savoir-faire Linux (SFL) in Montreal, I was commissioned to perform some Linux experimentation on an old SBC, using Buildroot, the PREEMPT-RT kernel build option, and FTrace. The first two articles have been posted on SFL’s web site – part 1 and part 2.

Although the work dried up and they let me go, I still believe in the folks at SFL and their work.

A new article was recently posted on Hackaday which discusses Real-Time OS basics, I recommend it for an interesting, short, read.